Business Areas

Our specialties


Search of investors and fulfillment of productive and industrial JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENTS. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES.

Greenfield investments

Solutions to issues related to the settlement of companies in the country to invest and begin new operations. Access to government issues, investment promotion policies, financial, legal and customs support.

Development of industrial and commercial agreements

Such as car manufacturers, autoparts, steel and energy industries.

Legal support before processes or investigations for dumping

Subsidies iniciated by governments of those countries to which our customer is exporting. Active actions to avoid injury to industrial sectors threatened by imports from third countries at dumped prices and / or subsidized. Management application of safeguard clauses.

Vertical Integration Programs

Within the same value chain, articulating the capacity that large firms have to improve the competitiveness of their related small and medium companies, clients and suppliers.

Real Estate

Management and Project Management at all stages of business, from the analysis, going through the integration and planning to the implementation and evaluation. Opportunities in Impact Investing.

“We encourage our clients to Design & Transform their Real Estate projects into impact investments that generate the greatest well-being for themselves and for the community while maintaining their highest profitability”.
Emilia Molet, Architect, Real Estate


Redevelopment of Industrial Plants in Logistics Parks operated with leading strategic partners in the market.

River transport

By barges, connecting the waterway for transportation of grains, minerals, fuels and vehicles.

Arbitration between companies and international

Negotiations that facilitate trade agreements amongst privates avoiding the intervention of the governments of the countries involved.(VRAs)